Is this you?
Equestrians fall into several of categories:
Serious competitors
Non-competitors who love horses, love
to ride, and like to learn
Non-riders who like the companionship
of horses and may want to develop a deeper partnership with them
Is this you?
As a general rider:
You are:
Faced with situations with your horse that challenge
your competence and erode your confidence.
Unsure about how to relax you mind and body for
better riding and improved performance.
Telling yourself that you can’t succeed and seeing
mounting evidence for that everywhere.
Frustrated with your riding progress even after hours
and hours of technical practice.
Avoiding riding activities that you once enjoyed
because you feel anxious and afraid.
Losing your belief in yourself that you can solve
your riding problems.
Effected by negative riding experiences that you
can’t seem to forget.
Losing your joy of riding, but don’t want to quit.
As a
serious competitor:
You are:
Technically ready on the day of the show, but your
anxiety and self-confidence prevent you from winning.
Losing your momentum and focus the longer you show.
Unsure about how or when to talk with your instructor
about your riding goals or problems.
Feeling less capable and competent at shows and
losing trust in yourself and your horse.
Unable to transfer your riding skills from lessons to
show ring.
Interested in gaining a greater competitive edge
beyond what you already know.
If you see yourself in any of these statements, you are
not alone. There are many competent, dedicated riders who have
learned to create the success they want.
It’s possible through Performance Coaching.
For more information go to:
What to Expect and How it Works
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