About Doris Worcester


In 1998, I came back to riding as an adult after a long break and to my surprise things had changed! I was not having the same riding experience that I had years earlier.  I felt  anxious and unsure of myself. This interfered with my learning and performance, and it also affected my ability to have fun and enjoy riding.  As I began to watch other riders that were also having some difficulties – it became clear to me that what was blocking many riders' success and enjoyment was not necessarily a lack technical skills, but often how they were generally thinking about themselves as a rider and what they were specifically  thinking about each riding experience.

Initially I applied all my clinical and coaching knowledge to my own riding experience and got really good results.  Then I began experimenting with several riders at the barn where I rode with equally good results.  I saw that the same information, strategies,  techniques, and interventions dramatically and quickly  helped them.  From there I developed a successful coaching practice called The Performance Edge where I have fun working with all riders, in all disciplines and at all levels.

I currently work with riders from all over the country, as well as trainers and other professionals in the horse industry.  Coaching can address not only riding issues, but teaching and business issues as well.  I offer workshops and seminars for various venues and was a contributing author for the book, “Beyond the Rainbow Bridge: A Thoughtful Guide for Coping with the Loss of a Horse”. I was also a contributing author for the USHJA Category II Trainer Certification Manual for the following subjects:

  • Motivating, Inspiring and Challenging Riders

  • Preparing the Rider for Peak Performance

  • Getting results: Factors in Coaching and Teaching that Optimize Learning and Performance Outcomes

I am a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker and Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist.  I hold an MSW in Clinical Social Work from Boston University School of Social Work.  I am a former Senior Fellow of the Hendricks Institute Mastership Program where I was intensively trained in Body-Centered Therapy, Conscious Relationship Transformation and personal and professional change. As a counselor, therapist and coach, I have been helping people transform their lives for over 25 years. I offer Equestrian seminars and workshops throughout New England, and I actively show and have fun in the Hunter/Jumper division with my Irish Sport Horse, Quarter Time.

On a personal note, I am a long time meditator, a life long student of personal growth and human development,  and I am passionate about teaching and learning in a way that creates ease and fun.  I feel fortunate to be able to do the two things I love the most – helping people achieve their dreams and doing that in the context of the equestrian world.  I have the opportunity to work with motivated riders, dedicated teachers and trainers, innovative business owners, and very unique and inspiring people.  What could be better?!   

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